Sterling Grove Member / Guest Tournament

Event Date:


Inaugural Sterling Grove Member/Guest

The Inaugural Sterling Grove Member/Guest will be played over 3 days consisting of 5-9 hole matches.  Each match will have a different format (i.e. Best Ball, Alternate Shot, Scramble, etc.) 


There will be 6 flights with a max of 6 teams per flight.  Each team will play each other within the flight.  Number of flights could change depending on entries.  


Every person needs to have a verified handicap, through an accredited handicapping system (i.e. GHIN).  90% of handicaps will be used.  


Each hole won will be worth 1 point.  Halved holes will be worth .5 point.


The winner of each flight will play in a Shootout to determine the overall winner, after play has concluded on Sunday.


Putting tournaments will be held after Day 1 and Day 2 on our 18 hole putting course.


There will be a separate division for Men and Women, so please sign up accordingly.


Awards and payouts will be determined on the number of entries.  


Entry Fee $800/team.


Check back periodically with updates for scheduling and format changes.


CLICK HERE to sign-up today!


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